Chaucer's Poetic Alchemy: A Study of Value and Transformation in 'The Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Fisher, Sheila Marie.

Chaucer's Poetic Alchemy: A Study of Value and Transformation in 'The Canterbury Tales'

New York: Garland, 1988.

Physical Description
257 pp.

Addesses "Chaucer's interest in and exploration of the problem of determining value . . . . The question is central to Chaucer's own concerns with the ethical and artistic value of his poetry throughout 'The Canterbury Tales'," with particular focus on WBPT, ShT, and CYPT. A reprint of the author's dissertation: Dissertation Abstracts International 43 (1982): 1977A.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Shipman and His Tale
Canon's Yeoman and His Tale