'For the Wyves love of Bathe': Feminine Rhetoric and Poetic Resolution in the 'Roman de la Rose' and the 'Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Patterson, Lee.

'For the Wyves love of Bathe': Feminine Rhetoric and Poetic Resolution in the 'Roman de la Rose' and the 'Canterbury Tales'

Speculum 58 (1983): 656-95.

Investigates traditions of medieval antifeminism to show the ambivalences present in the Wife, whom Chaucer presents as both a satire on womanhood and a threat to orthodox male authority.
Revised as "Feminine Rhetoric and the Politics of Subjectivity: La Vieille and the Wife of Bath," in Kevin Brownlee and Sylvia Huot, eds. Rethinking the Romance of the Rose: text, Image, Reception (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992), pp. 316-58.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.