Difference in Diction Between 'The Miller's Tale' and 'The Reeve's Tale'

Author / Editor
Kanno, Masahiko.

Difference in Diction Between 'The Miller's Tale' and 'The Reeve's Tale'

The Bulletin of the Aichi University of Education 7 (1983, Aichi): 17-23.

The "cherles terms" in MilT--"craft," "hende," "deerne," "sleigh," "privee"--are connotative; those in RvT--"theef," "sly"--are denotative.
In Japanese. Translated in Kanno's Studies in Chaucer's Words (Tokyo: Eihosho, 1996), pp. 25-39.

Alternative Title
"Shift of Meaning in The Miller's and Reeve's Tales."

Chaucer Subjects
Miller and His Tale.
Reeve and His Tale.