Chaucer: The Critical Heritage

Author / Editor
Brewer, Derek, ed.

Chaucer: The Critical Heritage

London: Rouledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.

Physical Description
2 vols. x, 342 pp.; viii, 510 pp.

Selection of critical writings from fourteenth century through 1933. Vol. 1 (1385-1837) contains remarks about Chaucer by Deschamps, Usk, Lydgate, Caxton, Dryden, Hazlitt, Blake, Crabbe, and Coleridge; vol. 2 (1837-1933) contains hitherto neglected criticism after 1837: Virginia Woolf, Ker Kittredge, Tatlock, Praz, Lowes, Tout, C. S. Lewis, and Tuve.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Background and General Criticism.