Chaucer's Pilgrims in Fifteenth-Century Literature

Author / Editor
Kohl, Stephan.

Chaucer's Pilgrims in Fifteenth-Century Literature

Fifteenth-Century Studies 7 (1983): 221-36.

Chaucer's pilgrims reappear in the prologues of "The Tale of Beryn" (ca. 1410) and Lydgate's "Seige of Thebes" (1422) as "metafictions," or comments on Chaucer's GP; "Beryn" criticizes implicitly the lack of realism in Chaucer, and Lydgate portrays the end of medieval culture.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion
Chaucerian Apocrypha
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales