Dante, Chaucer and the Currency of the Word: Money, Image, and Reference in Late Medieval Poetry

Author / Editor
Shoaf, Richard Allen.

Dante, Chaucer and the Currency of the Word: Money, Image, and Reference in Late Medieval Poetry

Norman, Okla.: Pilgrim Books, 1983.

After an introduction, "The Discourse of Man 'By Nature a Political Animal,'" follow three parts: "Dante's 'Commedia' and the Promise of Reference," dealing with Narcissus--damned ("Inferno" 30), purged ("Purgatorio" 30), and redeemed ("Paradiso" 30); "Troylus and Criseyde and the 'Falsing' of the Referent," with chapters on HF, Criseyde, Troylus, Pandarus, and the Narrator; and "'The Canterbury Tales' and the Ethics of Reference," with chapters on Fragment A, WBT, MerT, and PardT.
Shows how Chaucer uses Dante and how he differs.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.