A Case for 'The Book of the Duchess': A Semantic Analysis of Sentence Structure

Author / Editor
Logan, Harry M., and Barry W. Miller.

A Case for 'The Book of the Duchess': A Semantic Analysis of Sentence Structure

Sarah K. Burton and Douglas D. Short, eds. Sixth International Conference on Computers and the Humanities (Rockville, MD.: Computer Science Press, 1983), pp. 384-90.

A KWIC concordance of Chaucer's BD was produced on the IBM 4341 with a statistical analysis of the verbs on PDP 11/34 and VAX 780, using UNIX. Analysis of the subject-verb relationships, according to Case Grammar Theory (identifying participants as agents, experiences, patients, instruments, etc.), makes clear the role of the narrator in the poem as he moves from Experiencer to Agent, from a passive receiver to an active giver of advice about death.

Miller, Barry V.
Burton, Sarah K.,
Short, Douglas D.,ed.

Alternative Title
Sixth International Conference on Computers and the Humanities.

Chaucer Subjects
Book of the Duchess.
Language and Word Studies.