Biblical Parody: Chaucer's 'Distortions' of Scripture

Author / Editor
Reiss, Edmund.

Biblical Parody: Chaucer's 'Distortions' of Scripture

David Lyle Jeffrey, ed. Chaucer and Scriptural Tradition (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1984), pp. 47-61.

The 700 biblical quotations and allusions in Chaucer are used to support arguments, to suggest "a plethora of significances," to evoke, to echo; or, alternatively, to alter, pervert, or misapply biblical themes, exposing human folly, as in MilT, MerT, GP, MLT, NPT, ShT, SumT, PardT, PrT, MkT, WBT, and ParsT.

Alternative Title
Chaucer and Scriptural Tradition.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.