Canterbury Monogatari Sojobun no nakade Chaucer ga hajimete shiyoshita Latin-go to France-go no kenkyu, I (A Study of Latin and French Loan Words Which Chaucer First Used in the General Prologue of 'The Canterbury Tales', I)

Author / Editor
Hoya, Katusuzo.

Canterbury Monogatari Sojobun no nakade Chaucer ga hajimete shiyoshita Latin-go to France-go no kenkyu, I (A Study of Latin and French Loan Words Which Chaucer First Used in the General Prologue of 'The Canterbury Tales', I)

Bulletin of Yamanashi Medical College 1 (1984): 51-57.

Compares date of Chaucer's borrowing with date of first recorded appearance in both Continental and Norman French to show spread of loan words.
In Japanese.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies.