The Middle English 'Planctas Mariae' and the Rhetoric of Pathos

Author / Editor
Keiser, George R.

The Middle English 'Planctas Mariae' and the Rhetoric of Pathos

Thomas J. Heffernan, ed. The Popular Literature of Medieval England (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1985), pp. 167-93.

Through the "Planctas Mariae," Keiser illuminates the pathetic mode that governs MLT, PrT, ClT, and PhyT. Griselda, Custance, and Virginia resemble the Virgin in the "Planctas." The anti-Semitism of PrT is common in the "Planctas," and the tale of the boy martyr celebrates the victory of the Passion.

Alternative Title
The Popular Literature of Medieval England.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.