The Mutual Commerce: Masters of Classical Allusion in English and American Literature

Author / Editor
Rudat, Wolfgang E. H.

The Mutual Commerce: Masters of Classical Allusion in English and American Literature

Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, 1985.

Includes chapters on classical allusion in Pope, More, and Milton, and two chapters devoted to Chaucer. Chapter 2 explores Chaucer's allusions to Virgil's "Aeneid" in KnT, concerning fate. Chaucer's view of a chaotic universe is compared to Virgil's view of an ordered universe. Chapter 5 analyzes the evolution of the cosmic union motif (earth-sky) in Classical Christian tradition, tracing it through Chaucer (CT), Spenser, Milton, Pope, Whitman, and Eliot.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Knight and His Tale.