The Popular Literature of Medieval England

Author / Editor
Heffernan, Thomas J., ed.

The Popular Literature of Medieval England

Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1985.

Tennessee Studies in Literature, no. 28.

Includes the following: D. W. Robertson, "Who Were 'The People'?"; Leonard E. Boyle, O.P., "The Fourth Lateran Council and Manuals of Popular Theology"; Judith Shaw, "The Influence of Canonical and Episcopal Reform on Popular Books of Instruction"; Bruce A. Rosenberg, "Medieval Popular Literature: Folkloric Sources"; Stanley J. Kahrl, "Secular Life and Popular Piety in Medieval English Drama"; Derek Brewer, "The International Medieval Popular Comic Tale in England"; Robert Adams, "Some Versions of Apocalypse: Learned and Popular Eschatology in 'Piers Plowman'"; William F. Pollard, "The 'Tone of Heaven': Bonaventuran Melody and the Easter Psalm in Richard Rolle"; Ute Stargardt, "The Beguines of Belgium, the Dominican Nuns of Germany, and Margery Kempe." For four essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Popular Literature of Medieval England under Alternative Title.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.