Chaucer and the Early Writings of Boccaccio

Author / Editor
Wallace, David.

Chaucer and the Early Writings of Boccaccio

Woodbridge, Suffolk : D. S. Brewer, 1985.

Chaucer Studies, no. 12.

Examines aims and literary traditions of early writings of Boccaccio to provide a context for Chaucer's use of Boccaccio. Both writers loved and used Latin and French writers and Dante; both drew from a wide range of literary forms and styles: "auctores" and popular traditions, pagan and Christian.
The first four chapters develop "the historical position and (Chaucerian [HF, TC]) affinities" of Boccaccio's early writing; chaps. 5 and 6 examine Chaucer's use of the "Filostrato" in TC; chap. 7 develops the use by both of "illustrious and popular traditions."

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.