'For Craft Is Al, Whoso That Do It Kan': The Genre of 'The Merchant's Tale'
- Author / Editor
- Arrathoon, Leigh A.
'For Craft Is Al, Whoso That Do It Kan': The Genre of 'The Merchant's Tale'
- Published
- Leigh A. Arrathoon, ed. Chaucer and the Craft of Fiction (Rochester, Mich.: Solaris Press, 1986), pp. 385-409.
- Description
- MerT is an ethical narrative in which the aenigmalogue (puzzling narrative surface) is blended with the apologue (Augustinian "oversense"), thus revealing the Merchant as a Manichean and January as a parody of Jovinian. The apologue is signaled by allusion, irony, undercutting, and disputational structure.
- Alternative Title
- Chaucer and the Craft of Fiction.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Merchant and His Tale.