El punto de vista narrativo y la parodia de la verosimilitud en el 'General Prologue' de 'Canterbury Tales'

Author / Editor
Alvarez Amoros, Jose Antonio.

El punto de vista narrativo y la parodia de la verosimilitud en el 'General Prologue' de 'Canterbury Tales'

Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 11 (1985): 47-68.

The fluctuation of the narrative point of view in GP results in a paradox: whereas the compositional devices inhibit verisimilitude, received critical opinion recognizes the pilgrims as highly realistic representatives of fourteenth-century life. This paradox detaches readers from the immediate contents and directs their attention toward the complex rhetorical arrangement that enables transmission of the tales.
In Spanish.

Chaucer Subjects
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.