Varieties of Response to 'Melibee' and the 'Clerk's Tale'

Author / Editor
Kamowski, William.

Varieties of Response to 'Melibee' and the 'Clerk's Tale'

Julian N. Wasserman and Robert J. Blanch, eds. Chaucer in the Eighties (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1986), pp. 193-207.

CT entails two levels of reader response: the fictional listeners on the road to Canterbury and the reader audience. The reactions of the pilgrims warn the reader not to misinterpret the tales by responding to them uncritically, as many of the pilgrims do.

Alternative Title
Chaucer in the Eighties.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Tale of Melibee.
Clerk and His Tale.