The 'Canterbury Tales' I: Romance

Author / Editor
Burrow, J. A.

The 'Canterbury Tales' I: Romance

Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, eds. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 109-24.

Discusses the five "romances" in CT. WBT, ostensibly an Arthurian romance, is actually a "fairy tale, told by a woman and dominated by women"; Th is an "outright burlesque" of contemporary English roamnces; SqT, unfinished, does not offer the romance its opening promises; FranT barely mentions Averagus's knightly adventures; and KnT is "shadowed by thoughts of suffering and death: despite its romantic love and happy ending.

Alternative Title
The Cambridge Chaucer Companion.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.