Italy, 'Ars Memorativa', and Fame's House

Author / Editor
Carruthers, Mary J.

Italy, 'Ars Memorativa', and Fame's House

John V. Fleming and Thomas J. Heffernan, eds. Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Proceedings, No. 2, 1986 (Knoxville, Tenn.: New Chaucer Society, 1987), pp. 179-88.

Concerns the influence upon Chaucer exerted by the "rhetorica ad herennium," specifically in the art of memory training, which was largely ignored in medieval commentary until it was revived in Italy. Both Dante and Chaucer make use of the "architectural mnemonic," Dante in canto 10 of "Purgatorio"; Chaucer, in HF, bk. 1, the painted wall of the Temple of Venus, and bd. 3, the colonnaded hall of Fame's temple. Rather than buildings, these can be seen as architectural mnemonic devices.

Alternative Title
Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Proceedings, No. 2 (1986)

Chaucer Subjects
House of Fame.