Chaucer in the Suburbs

Author / Editor
Scattergood, John.

Chaucer in the Suburbs

Myra Stokes and T. L. Burton, eds. Medieval Literature and Antiquities: Studies in Honour of Basil Cottle (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1987), pp. 145-62.

Set in "a sort of suburban underworld," SNT and CYT treat "subtle threats" to the established values and ideologies of the city. For Chaucer, "the potential for growth and change...lay beyond the comfortably reassuring town walls in the suburban tenements of those who were by choice and necessity outsiders."
Reprinted in Reading the Past: Essays on Medieval and RenaissanceLiterature (Four Courts, 1996), pp. 128-45.

Stokes, Myra,
Burton, T. L.,ed.

Alternative Title
Medieval Literature and Antiquities: Studies in Honour of Basil Cottle.
Reading the Past: Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Literature.

Chaucer Subjects
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Canon's Yeoman and His Tale.