Between Sacred and Profane: Narrative Design and the Logic of Myth from Chaucer to Cooper

Author / Editor
Van Boheemen-Saaf, Christine.

Between Sacred and Profane: Narrative Design and the Logic of Myth from Chaucer to Cooper

Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1987.

Costerus New Series, no. 60.

Expanded version of the author's dissertation (Rice University, 1987). Using the model of Levi-Strauss, she analyzes the function of plot in the novel and the mythic structure underlying its mimetic adaptation in Chaucer's KnT, Fielding's "Tom Jones," Dickens's "Bleak House," Joyce's "Ulysses," and Cooper's "Pricksongs and Descants".

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale.