From 'Eva' to 'Ave' to Eglentyne and Alisoun: Chaucer's Insight into the Roles Women Play

Author / Editor
Hanning, Robert W.

From 'Eva' to 'Ave' to Eglentyne and Alisoun: Chaucer's Insight into the Roles Women Play

Signs 2.3 (1977): 580-99.

Surveys Chaucer's depictions of emblematic women in BD, HF, PF, and TC, and examines the Prioress and Wife of Bath as complex women who struggle with the roles imposed on them by male-dominated society. The GP description of the Prioress reflects a woman's strategy for saving a "positive sense of self," and PrT is a "glorification of helplessness." WBP depicts a woman "trapped between sexual and intellectual needs," one who uses marriage for revenge even though she becomes "her own target of hostility."

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale
Prioress and Her Tale
Book of the Duchess
House of Fame
Parliament of Fowls
Legend of Good Women