Metrical Problems in Editing 'The Legend of Good Women'

Author / Editor
Cowen, Janet M.

Metrical Problems in Editing 'The Legend of Good Women'

Derek Pearsall, ed. Manuscripts and Texts (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1987), pp. 26-33.

In editing Chaucer, the problem of the final "-e" can be resolved "in a conservative edition by retaining the spelling of the base manuscript and in a modernised edition by regularising it." Cowen and George Kane, editors of LGW (in progress), treat the final "-e" not as a mere feature of spelling but in its metrical function. Spellings from the manuscripts are not reliable indicators of meter.

Alternative Title
Manuscripts and Texts.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.
Legend of Good Women.