'Glosynge Is a Glorious Thyng': Chaucer at Work on the 'Boece'

Author / Editor
Minnis, A. J.

'Glosynge Is a Glorious Thyng': Chaucer at Work on the 'Boece'

A. J. Minnis, ed. The Medieval Boethius (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1987), pp. 106-24.

Translation and glossing were two aspects of the single activity of revealing meaning ("expositio sententiae"), a concern of Chaucer in SNT and TC. In Bo, Chaucer consulted Jean de Meun's and Trevet's translations, but these cannot explain certain glosses and vocabulary choices in Bo, which may be attributed largely to the Carolingian scholar Remigius of Auxerre and later expansions of his work.

Alternative Title
The Medieval Boethius.

Chaucer Subjects