Cato on Chauntecleer: Chaucer's Sophisticated Audience
- Author / Editor
- Thomas, Paul R.
Cato on Chauntecleer: Chaucer's Sophisticated Audience
- Published
- Neophilologus 72 (1988): 278-83.
- Description
- Pertelote's quotation from Cato ("Ne do no fors of dremes"--NPT 2941) is from distich 2.31, which specifically denies the significance of a type of dream that is different from Chauntecler's dream. The cock's attack on the "auctorite" of Cato thus shows his ignorance of significant texts.
- A sophisticated audience would have seen this, as well as that it was part of a whole series of distichs "dealing with what turn out to be the failings of the cock."
- Chaucer Subjects
- Nun's Priest and His Tale.