La circolazione dei temi e degli intrecci narrativi: Il caso Griselda. Atti del convegno di studi, L'Aquila, 3-4 dicembre 1986

Author / Editor
Morabito, Raffaele, ed.

La circolazione dei temi e degli intrecci narrativi: Il caso Griselda. Atti del convegno di studi, L'Aquila, 3-4 dicembre 1986

L'Aquila, Rome: Japadre Editore, 1988.

Physical Description
124 pp.

A collection of ten articles by various hands, in Italian, concerning the spread and development of the Griselda tradition in Italy, England, Iceland, Germany, and Bohemia, among other Eruopean countries.
Morabito presents a repertoire of the diffusion of the Griselda story throughout Europe; Michael Olson examines auto-correction in the Griselda cycle. Dora Faraci discusses Griselda in England; Anna Maria Iorio, in Italy in the seventeenth century; Raul Mordenti, in Italy during the Counter-Reformation; Hubert Seelow, in Iceland; Monika Rossteuscher, in Germany; Zuzana Pospisilova, in Bohemia. Walter Tortoreto discusses the legend in musical theater in early seventeenth century.
In Italian.

Chaucer Subjects
Clerk and His Tale.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.