Chaucer and the Law

Author / Editor
Hornsby, Joseph Allen.

Chaucer and the Law

Norman, Okla.: Pilgrim Books, 1988.

Physical Description
180 pp.

Explores Chaucer's legal background, his connection with English canon law of agreements, the secular law of agreements, and medieval English criminal law and procedure.
Treats the appeal of felony in WBT and MLT; bill procedure in ABC, Pity, ParsT, and PhyT; treason and litigation in TC; commercial instruments in ShT; covenant for debt in FranT and WBT; dower and conveyance of property in MerT; agreement in GP; "ernest" in FrT; homage and fealty in BD and TC; "hue and cry" in MilT, NPT, and WBT; intention in FranT and FrT; loans in ShT; mainprise in Mel and WBT;;
marriage agreements in FranT and MerT; marriage debt in MerT, ShT, and WBP; ordeal in TC; pledge of faith in FranT, FrT, KnT, SumT, WBT, and TC; rape in RvT and WBT; releases in FranT; tally in ShT; treason in LGW, MLT, MerT, ParsT, BD, PF, Mel, and TC; and murder in PrT, NPT, PardT, and ParsT.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.