Chaucer's Victimized Women

Author / Editor
Green, Richard Firth.

Chaucer's Victimized Women

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 10 (1988): 3-21.

Explores women in Chaucer's LGW, HF, SqT, and Anel who are "cynically seduced and heartlessly betrayed, the innocent victims of masculine duplicity," and concludes that Chaucer's attitudes toward women and love differed radically from those of his predeccessors and more cynical French contemporaries. Unlike Ovid and Jean de Meun, Chaucer was critical of a social code that excluded fidelity to women from the standards of "trouthe" and loyalty that were binding among men.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Legend of Good Women.
House of Fame.
Squire and His Tale.
Anelida and Arcite.