The Literary Tradition in the 'Alceste Myth'--Chaucer, 'Ovide Moralise,' and 'Ovidius Moralizatus'

Author / Editor
Ebi, Hisato.

The Literary Tradition in the 'Alceste Myth'--Chaucer, 'Ovide Moralise,' and 'Ovidius Moralizatus'

Eigo Seinen (Tokyo) 135 (1989): 366-70.

There was a new tendency to assimilate paganism to Christian doctrine in medieval European literature. Emphasizing the influence of the sources and analogues of medieval Latin literature on Chaucer, Ebi discusses the meaning of the Alceste myth in LGW in relation to the theme of death and resurrection in Christianity.
In Japanese.

Alternative Title
"Alceste Shinwa no Keifu: Chaucer, Ovide MoraliseĢ, Velcorius."

Chaucer Subjects
Legend of Good Women.