Love, Marriage and Salvation in Chaucer's 'Book of the Duchess' and 'Parlement of Foules'

Author / Editor
Kooper, Erik Simon.

Love, Marriage and Salvation in Chaucer's 'Book of the Duchess' and 'Parlement of Foules'

Dissertation Abstracts International 49 (1989): 2651A.

The Aristotelian view that the marital relationship can involve friendship (found not in Augustine but in Aelred of Rievaulx and Thomas Aquinas) influenced Jean de Meun, translator of Aelred. De Meun's treatment of the matter in "Roman de la Rose" leads to new analysis of BD and PF. These works display a new "triplet": law of nature, marriage, and friendship, including love as salvation.

Chaucer Subjects
Book of the Duchess.
Parliament of Fowls.