'Sires, By Youre Leve, That Am Nat I': Romance and Pilgrimage in Chaucer and the 'Gawain/Morgne' Poet

Author / Editor
Simmons-O'Neil, Elizabeth.

'Sires, By Youre Leve, That Am Nat I': Romance and Pilgrimage in Chaucer and the 'Gawain/Morgne' Poet

Dissertation Abstracts International 50 (1989): 135A.

Draws contrasts between Sir Gawain, who attempts to act the part of standard knight of romance, and the protagonists of WBT and MerT. The Wife sets her tale in the medieval antifeminist matrix; the Merchant, building on her insight, mingles romance, fabliau, and clerical opinion while representing his characters as accepting stereotypes imposed on them.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Merchant and His Tale.