Social Chaucer

Author / Editor
Strohm, Paul.

Social Chaucer

Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989.

Physical Description
xii, 236 pp.

Using a variety of contemporary texts, including statutes, poll taxes, and political treatises as well as fictional narratives, Strohm studies the structure of late-medieval social relations to provide an interpretative context for events in Chaucer's life and for themes in all his poetry.
He examines the most persistent and prestigious social model of hierarchy--with its insistence on a divinely sanctioned and eternal order of vertically arrayed estates--and the rapid fourteenth-century elaboration of an alternative social paradigm with social relations horizontally arrayed, communal, secular, and bound in finite time.
Chaucer's poetry embraces the tension between these two models reflected in the transformation from feudalism to capitalism in the late Middle Ages.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Chaucer's Life.