Skelton's 'Garlande of Laurell' and the Chaucerian Tradition

Author / Editor
Scattergood, John.

Skelton's 'Garlande of Laurell' and the Chaucerian Tradition

Ruth Morse and Barry Windeatt, eds. Chaucer Traditions: Studies in Honour of Derek Brewer (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 122-38.

"The Garlande of Laurell" is Skelton's considered statement about poetry, the nature of poetic tradition, and his own role in it. But "the most substantial earlier treatment of the subject of "The Garlande of Laurell" in English poetry was Chaucer's "House of Fame." Skelton's poem is less inventive, philosophically less challenging, and much narrower in its conception of the fame of the poet than is Chaucer's.

Alternative Title
Chaucer Traditions: Studies in Honour of Derek Brewer.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
House of Fame.