Chaucer's Epistemological Comedies: 'The Book of the Duchess,' 'The House of Fame,' and 'The Parliament of Fowls'

Author / Editor
Haigney, Catherine Reisky.

Chaucer's Epistemological Comedies: 'The Book of the Duchess,' 'The House of Fame,' and 'The Parliament of Fowls'

Dissertation Abstracts International 50 (1990): 2046A-2047A.

Although earlier dream visions aimed at revelation of universal truths, Chaucer's poems in this mode present individuals who achieve no direct answers to their questions. William of Ockham, not necessarily a direct influence, provides methods for recognizing Chaucer's innovation.

Chaucer Subjects
Book of the Duchess.
House of Fame.
Parliament of Fowls.