Chaucer's Personification of Prudence in 'Troilus' (V, 743-749): Sources in Visual Arts and Manuscript Scholia

Author / Editor
Matthews, Lloyd J.

Chaucer's Personification of Prudence in 'Troilus' (V, 743-749): Sources in Visual Arts and Manuscript Scholia

English Language Notes 13 (1975): 249-55.

Criseyde's allusion to Prudence with "eyen thre" is derived from Dante's "Purgatorio," 29.132; but since the Italian reference is cryptic in style and symbology, Chaucer was probably also influenced by glosses and illuminations for the passage, similar to some found in surviving manuscripts of the "Commedia" today.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.