The Friar's Tale and the Wife of Bath's Tale

Author / Editor
Brown, Carole K.,Marion F. Egge, and Penn R. Szittya.

The Friar's Tale and the Wife of Bath's Tale

PMLA 91 (1976): 291-93.

A response by Browne and Egge to Szittya's "The Green Man as Loathly Lady," and Szittya's reply.
To Brown and Egge WBT and FrT represent respectively the essences of goodness and evil: the knight becomes increasingly moral, the somonour increasingly immoral. Szittya replies that the point is not different morals but different results produced in similar situations for parodic effect.

Egge, Marion F.
Szittya, Penn R.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Friar and His Tale.