The Strumpet Muse: Art and Morals in Chaucer's Poetry

Author / Editor
David, Alfred.

The Strumpet Muse: Art and Morals in Chaucer's Poetry

Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1976.

Physical Description
280 pp.

As Chaucer struggled to reconcile "auctorite" and "experience" the concern in his poetry evolved from "love celestial" to "love of kynde." In TC the moralist in Chaucer opposes the artist, and the poem's didactic failure is its artistic success. The "frame story" of CT fulfills Chaucer's quest in the Prologue to LGW for new subjects and forms, and both frees Chaucer from convention and allows examination of the conflict between art and faith.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Legend of Good Women.
Canterbury Tales--General.