Incubus and Ideal: Ecclesiastical Figures in Chaucer and Langland

Author / Editor
Taitt, Peter S.

Incubus and Ideal: Ecclesiastical Figures in Chaucer and Langland

Salzburg, Austria: Institut fur Englische Sprache und Literatur, Universitat Salzburg, 1975

Physical Description
228 pp.

Salzburg Studies in English Literature. Elizabethan & Renaissance Studies 44 (1975).

Offers a close examination of the various ecclesiastical figures in CT and "Piers Plowman" and of the literary techniques used by the two authors to distinguish them. Chaucer's method of characterization concentrates audience interest on the person satirized, whereas Langland's method concentrates on the abuses. Word-play is incidental to Chaucer but of structural importance as a mode of thought for Langland. Langland is more overtly argumentative, possibly even more intellectual, than Chaucer.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.