Criseyde's Inner Debate: The Dialectic of Enamorment in the 'Filostrato' and the 'Troilus'

Author / Editor
Haahr, Joan G.

Criseyde's Inner Debate: The Dialectic of Enamorment in the 'Filostrato' and the 'Troilus'

Studies in Philology 89 (1992): 257-71.

Compares the rhetoric of the passages in "Filostrato" and TC in which Criseyde first sees Troilus outside her window. Chaucer combines his own "fictional vision" with rhetorical and narrative conventions drawn from Ovid and romance to create the illusion of "complex consciousness," an essential aspect of psychological characterization.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.