Chaucer's Concept of Nature

Author / Editor
Noguchi, Shunichi.

Chaucer's Concept of Nature

Toshiyuki Takamiya and Richard Beadle, eds. Chaucer to Shakespeare: Essays in Honour of Shinsuke Ando (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1992), 25-31.

Surveys background to Chaucer's idea of nature; identifies his uses of nature as a personification of divine ordinance, as in PF; and argues that Chaucer anticipates modern naturalism when he does not personify nature, as in KnT.

Alternative Title
Chaucer to Shakespeare: Essays in Honour of Shinsuke Ando.

Chaucer Subjects
Parliament of Fowls.
Knight and His Tale.
Background and General Criticism.