Chaucerian Women, Ideal Gardens, and the Wild Woods

Author / Editor
Haskell, Ann (S.)

Chaucerian Women, Ideal Gardens, and the Wild Woods

Juliette Dor, ed. A Wyf Ther Was: Essays in Honour of Paule Mertens-Fonck (Liege: University of Liege, 1992), pp. 193-98.

The walled-garden images in KnT, MerT, the GP sketch of the Prioress, WBT, FrT, and BD illustrate that walls not only provide safety but also exclude women from the knowledge needed to progress from virginity to motherhood and to "wise womanhood." The Wife of Bath provides experiential knowledge to pilgrims venturing beyond the walled-in "garden" of London.

Alternative Title
Wyf Ther Was.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Book of the Duchess.