Scriptura Rescripta: The (Ab)use of the Bible by Medieval Writers

Author / Editor
Brown, George H.

Scriptura Rescripta: The (Ab)use of the Bible by Medieval Writers

James M. Dean and Christian Zacher, eds. The Idea of Medieval Literature: New Essays on Chaucer and Medieval Culture in Honor of Donald R. Howard (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1992), pp. 285-300.

Medieval uses of the Bible include imitation, satire, and parody. Chaucer's biblical quotations and allusions, which number more than seven hundred, are used to prove a proposition, to reinforce a statement, to enhance some personage, to criticize a rascal's life or action, to heighten the farce, or to deepen the pathos.

Alternative Title
Idea of Medieval Literature.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.