Il Sogno e Il Libro: La "Mise en Abyme" nei Poemi Onirici di Chaucer

Author / Editor
D'Agata D'Ottavi, Stefania.

Il Sogno e Il Libro: La "Mise en Abyme" nei Poemi Onirici di Chaucer

Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 1992.

Physical Description
335 pp.

Universita di Roma. Facolta de Lettere e Filosophia. Dipartimento Anglistica. Studi e Ricerche, no. 38.

Chaucer's dream poems reflect the self-consciousness of "mise en abyme"--literally, "setting of the abyss"--used here to identify Chaucer's means of drawing attention to structural and thematic circularity and to poetics.
In their intertextual relations with sources, their circular structural patterns, and their thematic tautologies, BD, PF, HF, and LGWP are "open," experimental fiction; they reflect late-medieval interest in cognition and the limits of authoritative epistemological models.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Book of the Duchess.
Parliament of Fowls.
House of Fame.
Legend of Good Women.