Reading Chaucer: What's Allowed in 'Aloud'?

Author / Editor
Gaylord, Alan T.

Reading Chaucer: What's Allowed in 'Aloud'?

Chaucer Yearbook 1 (1992): 87-109.

Riches of tone and ambiguities encourage us to read Chaucer's poetry silently. Oral performances can illuminate and entertain, but they limit perception of range and depth of meaning. Gaylord examines unpunctuated portions of the Prioress's sketch, Chauntecleer's praise of Pertelote, and Pandarus at Criseyde's bedside after the consumation scene.

Chaucer Subjects
Style and Versification.
Prioress and Her Tale.
Nun's Priest and His Tale.
Troilus and Criseyde.