Shades of Incest and Cuckoldry: Pandarus and John of Gaunt

Author / Editor
Kelly, Henry Ansgar.

Shades of Incest and Cuckoldry: Pandarus and John of Gaunt

Studies in the Age of Chaucer 13 (1991): 121-40.

Provides historical evidence that if Pandarus was guilty of incest with Criseyde, he was also guilty of cuckolding Troilus. Similarly, if Gaunt had cuckolded Chaucer, he would not have been able to able to marry Chaucer's wife's sister, Katherine Swynford, although the "sororal" relation between Katherine and Philippa Chaucer was posited only in the sixteenth century. Includes Boniface IX's letter of dispensation for Gaunt and Katherine.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Chaucer's Life.