Clerkly Allusiveness: Griselda, Xanthippe, and the Woman of Samaria

Author / Editor
Osberg, Richard H.

Clerkly Allusiveness: Griselda, Xanthippe, and the Woman of Samaria

Allegorica 12 (1991): 17-27.

Iconographic associations of Mary and Griselda have proved problematic in attempts to read ClT as allegory; however, if we hear in the "annunciation passage" a larger range of allusion--both secular and patristic--the allegorical force of the Marian imagery recedes into a background of references to other exemplary women.
Like a verbal "pentimento," the Samaritan woman shows through patient Griselda, so that the woman setting down her water pot at the lord's call represents "every wight, in his degree."

Chaucer Subjects
Clerk and His Tale.