Chaucer Borrows from Gower: The Sources of the Man of Law's Tale

Author / Editor
Nicholson, Peter.

Chaucer Borrows from Gower: The Sources of the Man of Law's Tale

R. F. Yeager, ed. Chaucer and Gower: Difference, Mutability, Exchange (Victoria B. C.: University of Victoria, 1991), pp. 85-99.

Chaucer had two sources for MLT: Gower's Confessio Amantis (2.587-1707) and Trevet's Chronicles, which also served as Gower's source. Placing all three versions side by side, one can find evidence that Gower was Chaucer's principal source.

Alternative Title
Chaucer and Gower: Difference, Mutability, Exchange.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
Man of Law and His Tale.