Craft, Canonical Alchemy, and Continuity Between Beowulf and the Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Tripp, Raymond P., Jr.

Craft, Canonical Alchemy, and Continuity Between Beowulf and the Canterbury Tales

Michio Kawai, ed. Language and Style in English Literature: Essays in Honour of Michio Masui. The English Association of Hiroshima (Tokyo: Eihosha, 1991), pp. 141-58.

Argues that the difference between the mechanical powers of humans and the essential power of God is central to the literary discussion of craft. Concern with craft as natural religion and with faith as the canonical craft provides a strong thread of continuity between Beowulf and CT.

Alternative Title
Language and Style in English Literature: Essays in Honour of Michio Masui.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.