The Wife of Bath: Chaucer's Inchoate Experiment

Author / Editor
Hagen, Susan K.

The Wife of Bath: Chaucer's Inchoate Experiment

Susanna Freer Fein, David Raybin, and Peter C. Braeger, eds. Rebels and Rivals: The Contestive Spirit in The Canterbury Tales. Studies in Medieval Culture, no. 29 (Kalamazoo, Mich.: Medieval Institute Publications, 1991), pp. 105-24.

WBP is Chaucer's attempt to formulate a "gynocentric hermeneutic" that challenges "standard patriarchal hierarchies." Yet, WBT demonstrates the inevitable failure of the attempt since Chaucer was a product of his time, "a fourteenth-century male poet of privilege."

Alternative Title
Rebels and Rivals: The Contestive Spirit in the Canterbury Tales.

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.