Up and Down, To and Fro: Spatial Relations in The Knight's Tale

Author / Editor
Woods, William F.

Up and Down, To and Fro: Spatial Relations in The Knight's Tale

Susanna Freer Fein, David Raybin, and Peter C. Braeger, eds. Rebels and Rivals: The Contestive Spirit in The Canterbury Tales. Studies in Medieval Culture, no. 29 (Kalamazoo, Mich.: Medieval Institute Publications, 1991), pp. 37-57.

In KnT, vertical movements are associated with universal cosmic cycles, while horizontal movements are associated with social containment. As Palamon and Arcite move physically and emotionally closer to Emelye, each moves "toward either the periphery or the center of the chivalric world."

Alternative Title
Rebels and Rivals: The Contestive Spirit in the Canterbury Tales.

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale.