Chaucer and Gower: Difference, Mutability, Exchange

Author / Editor
Yeager, R. F., ed.

Chaucer and Gower: Difference, Mutability, Exchange

Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria, 1991.

Physical Description
152 pp.

The seven essays assess Gower and Chaucer as joint recipients of an antique heritage, as readers of (and borrowers from) each other's works, and as writers whose work reveals much about late-medieval attitudes toward language and about the constantly shifting interrelations of women and men. All seek new ways to understand the poetic interaction between Gower and Chaucer.
For individual essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Chaucer and Gower: Difference, Mutability, Exchange under Alternative Title.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.